Post Web Standards

Everyone in the Web community has their niche. That thing, or for some who make the rest of us look dumb, things that they are really good at. For some it is information architecture, or social network marketing, or front-end CSS/(X)HTML layout, or database engineering, and others it is Flash Action Scripting, or back-end Ruby […]

Design To Communicate

I understand what it means to design effectively on the Web. Like any medium for communication, there are often many ways to get the message across, but there is always a way that is most effective and efficient. Too often I am approached by a client asking, “how much to design a Web site?”, or […]

When to Draw People to Your Site

Advertising on search sites like Google can be a pretty cut-and-dry decision when considering how much to invest. Or is it? If it were just about getting more visits to your site then, yes, I guess it’s pretty simple. But, it’s not, and there is even more to evaluate when advertising on other sites that […]

Ready For Enjoyment

This week a good friend of mine, Joe Day, sent me one of the greatest gifts someone could get. I came back from a long weekend to piles of stuff to catch up on at the office, and a box with security tape around it. That usually only means one of a few things; A. […]

My iPhone, Without AT&T

I was a late adopter of the iPhone, not because I didn’t think it was rad and would suite me well, but because I would potentially have to switch to the carrier that screwed me out of more than a thousand dollars nearly four years ago. So, I figured it was better to live without […]